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The key to seamless mobility!



Circular economy and reuse of parts and materials






Kiwee Mobility , car sharing redistributed thanks to the nesting of Kiwees: a car where you want, when you want!

For local mobility, even in peri-urban or even rural areas...

... thanks to the optimization of redistribution and recharging...

...and more responsible because it is based on the sharing economy, circularity, frugality.

It’s the KIWEE revolution!

More sustainable mobility with low operating and infrastructure costs, and the reliability of always having a car in the right place at the right time.

Nesting cars

 1 charging station for 10 vehicles 


1 operator
for 10 vehicles

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Our story


Traffic jams, pollution, saturated metro or even more public transport after a certain time or beyond the urban area...

Added to this are the carbon impact and criticality of resources... So many reasons that have pushed us to look a little more closely at car sharing.

A virtuous solution, wonderful in theory, but too little developed in practice. Why?

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So here we are, Tiphaine, Valéry and Xavier, founders of Metacar, working with the various stakeholders on the uses of mobility and the real needs of users, operators, logisticians, communities, employers...

And a problem formulated to return to the essential: how to maximize efficiency and profitability while limiting the ecological impact?

Eureka! As with scooters/bikes and other shared mobility, it is optimized redistribution that must be the keystone of car sharing.

And there, considering the failures and shortcomings of similar solutions, we searched, innovated, until we developed the Kiwee solution, cars that fit together to be redistributed in a road train. From 2014 to 2019, it is for us 5 years of R&D bringing together 15 partners for a first technological Proof-Of-Concept, 6 prototypes and a family of 15 patents to offer a response to the demand of the passenger transport markets (Kiwee Mobility) and goods (Kiwee Delivery)


It’s 2020, a turning point to take.

We identify 3 major issues: 1. Think big; 2. (Well) Surround yourself; 3. (Re)structure yourself

We are creating SAS Metacar Mobility Systems to develop and market Kiwee.

Metacar is deploying an upstream commercial strategy to see Kiwee on the road from 2025, notably in partnership with SETESC ITS.

Metacar is revising its technological copy to integrate even more eco-design: a maximum of circular economy and reuse of parts and materials, the pooling of developments with other VELI* manufacturers.

At the same time, Metacar is establishing structuring industrial partnerships for Made in France manufacturing and assembly, notably with JTEKT and OPmobility.

And today? Metacar is Tiphaine, Houria, Pierre, Valéry, Xavier, but it is also multiple partners!

To finalize R&D (2024), approve the Kiwee (mid-2025) and put the Kiwees on the road in real conditions (2026).

Architect of a more responsible mobility solution with the potential for exponential development, Metacar is deploying an approach to structuring the French micro-mobility sector, supported to this end by BPI France, ADEME and the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region.

And Metacar invites you to take part in the adventure!

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Towards a new shared mobility!

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Our values

Welcome to our human adventure!


Share and help each other

The collective

A new piece of the puzzle!

The commitment


Our team

Tiphaine Deheunynck - Co-fondatrice & CEO

Tiphaine Deheunynck - Co-fondatrice & CEO

Valéry CERVANTES - Co-fondateur & COO

Valéry CERVANTES - Co-fondateur & COO

Xavier Leblanc - Co-fondateur CTO

Xavier Leblanc - Co-fondateur CTO

Houria Madani - Stratégie client et marketing

Houria Madani - Stratégie client et marketing

Pierre MAUREL - R&D

Pierre MAUREL - R&D

What they say about us 

Ce qu'ils disent de nous
Aventure kiwee

Towards a new
shared mobility sector

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